New Feature in Swim Jewelry Software


The May 1 and May 27 announcements listed new features and enhancements in your Swim system.
With mid-year stocktakes happening, we thought it was worth highlighting one of the stocktake related features.

The new feature called 'maintenance' is found in Utilities > System. The 'maintenance' option is viewable only by Administrator users and allows you to; clear an in-progress Stocktake completely (refresh the stocktake screen to start again), mark all active/outstanding jobs as collected by customer & mark all active/outstanding jobs/work orders as 'Complete (So you can start using the job tracking reports from this point in time onwards).

The clear stocktake is a great feature for any store that finds they have opened a stocktake in the past, and not closed it off. Rather than 'finish' an old stocktake which can cause issues with your stock holding, it is much more advisable to clear the stocktake to start fresh, using this new feature, and then start your new stocktake and finish it off as per the instructions with a few days of starting it.

This will ensure all your jewellery inventory is correct and up to date.

For a refresher on how to perform a stocktake in Swim, click here.

If you need a scanner for your stocktake, we have two scanners available:

  • USB Barcode Scanner for PC/Mac $199
  • Cordless Bluetooth Scanner for iPad, tablet, laptop, PC or Mac $595

To order, click here, or contact

Have a great day,

- The Swim team.